Registration now open for 4-week online class: Moving Through Change and Loss with a Creative Notebook Practice

I’m teaching a 4-week online class where I share techniques, materials, and inspiration for developing your own creative notebook practice, using mixed media visual art and expressive writing.

The focus of the class will be on processing emotions related to change and loss.

In this 4-session, online engagement class, you will be guided and inspired to develop your own creative notebook practice dedicated to processing emotions related to change and loss. With the individual and collective changes and losses sustained throughout the past year, we will explore how the making of expressive art forms can support the integration of difficult life experiences and facilitate communication both with and beyond words. We will see how self-compassion can extend to compassion for others and how images can support the meaning we seek in stories and words. 

In each session, a new mixed media art technique will be demonstrated as inspiration for your own spontaneous work using the materials you have gathered. Between sessions, you will be provided with written and visual inspiration drawn from other artists and creative prompts to start your own written and mixed media expressions. Finally, an important component of our time together will be sharing our work and our experience of the creative process in a safe and supportive way. A basic materials list will be provided prior to the class.

Meets on ZOOM four Tuesdays, 5:00-6:30pm.

February 2-23, 2021.