Enrolling now for Grief Pages: Moving Through Change & Loss with a Creative Notebook Practice

"...art as a way to express myself through loss...a way to come together and share different types of loss."

"extremely helpful and freeing"

"letting go of inhibition to put my thoughts and feelings on a page..."

"No planning required...only expressions of what is available to me at the moment...this practice allows me to explore without feeling structured. Many, many thanks for this course."

"Letting go of attachment and worrying..."

These are some of the takeaways shared by participants in my most recent offering of Moving Through Change & Loss with a Creative Notebook Practice.

Do these sound appealing to you?

My next course starts on January 12th, online and hosted by Transformative Language Arts Network.

There's still time to enroll for 20% off in this 6-week version of Grief Pages: Moving Through Change & Loss with a Creative Notebook Practice, starting January 12th. Live ZOOM sessions, recordings available, and an online platform for interacting and sharing work with other participants between sessions. You can participate from anywhere in the world, and work through the lessons at your own pace, while having the opportunity to join in four live ZOOM sessions. Recordings of these sessions will be available for the duration of the course.

Limited time 20% discount when you enroll before December 31st.