Announcing Everyday Truth - video + podcast

On Christmas Eve, I did my very first Facebook Live broadcast!

I dedicated this to the real humans I know in my life who have taken the important step (for them) of choosing not to participate in toxic family gatherings this holiday season. You can see that broadcast here (or click on the image below).

I had more to say after that broadcast, so I turned on the video camera again (so I could share with my YouTube subscribers too!) and recorded another episode:

Today I realized that this truth-telling is actually a daily practice of health, wholeness, and growth.

Everyday Truth square.JPG

So I created Everyday Truth, a practice of turning on the camera and speaking out loud from my heart’s truth each day, mostly for my own benefit, but also for the possibility of connecting more deeply with the humans who share my longing to carve a life lived from this wild, inconvenient truth.

I will be posting videos on my YouTube channel and audio on my Soundcloud page.

Here’s today’s episode one on video:

And audio only: