Purification Mantra

I'm honored to share with you a mantra, transmitted to me by my teacher Silvia Nakkach, Director of the Sound Voice and Music Healing Certificate Program at California Institute of Integral Studies. Yup, that's my voice on this recording!

Take 3 minutes and purify your mind with this calming mantra.


Instructions for a breath and listening meditation:

1. Sit with your legs and arms uncrossed and your spine as straight as possible.

2. Breathe out with each sound you hear. Match the length of your exhale to the length of the sound.

3. Listen to the sounds. Do not try to translate meaning. Immerse yourself in the sound.

Variation for a breath, voice and listening meditation:

1. Sit with your legs and arms uncrossed and your spine as straight as possible.

2. Listen for each sound and join in with your own voice, making the sound you hear.

3. Focus on listening and breathing, and allow your sounds to arrive without effort.

Enjoy the sound of your own voice!